Peer Recovery Coach Training
Do you and your community members want to be a Recovery Coach?
The CCAR Recovery Coach Academy© is a 5-day intensive training academy focusing on providing individuals with the skills need to guide, mentor and support anyone who would like to enter into or sustain long-term recovery from an addiction to alcohol or other drugs.
Provided in a retreat like environment, the CCAR Recovery Coach Academy© prepares participants by helping them to actively listen, ask really good questions, and discover and manage their own stuff. 30 CEUS granted upon completion of the Recovery Coach Academy.

16 CEU’s Recovery coaching as a peer-to-peer recovery support services has grown exponentially over the past few years. The issue of ethical considerations has been discussed in many circles yet formal training has been lacking for recovery coaches. This 16 hour training addresses this critical need. Based on the widely used Ethical Guidelines for the Delivery of Peer-based Recovery Support Services by William White and PRO-ACT (2007), we designed this training to help coaches, and anyone else working in the peer role, to understand how critical it is to be ethically responsible.
Got Spirituality? Spirituality is not only a deeply personal subject, it is often a large component of recovery. So, how do you guide someone through their own process while managing your own stuff? The purpose of this program is to help you as a recovery coach understand what spirituality is and how you would help someone in their own process of discovering spirituality. This two day course will help you explore your own beliefs and values as it comes to spirituality. This training will provide you with the tools and resources needed as a recovery coach so you can speak about spirituality in a way that is accepting of others.
CART is dedicated to building training programs to support this movement, so that coaches are able to regularly refine their craft of actively listening, asking good questions and managing their own stuff.
Because of these high standards of excellence for our training programs and expectations of what we feel makes good Recovery Coaches, CART is constantly asked to help agencies looking to employ CCAR trained Recovery Coaches. However, the landscape of where those roles are available has changed. Typically you’d find Recovery Coaches at your local recovery community centers, but now we are seeing a greater need for skilled coaches to work in other professional settings, such as hospitals, treatment facilities, police stations and court systems. In response to the demand, CART has developed what we think will be a highly utilized and sought after training program for Recovery Coaches looking to work or are working within professional settings.


Recovery coaching is growing as a profession due to its effectiveness in not only helping people find recovery, but staying in recovery.
We see coaches deployed in a wide variety of settings and as such, coaches are supervised by a wide range of positions…and not everyone who is overseeing the coaches understands fully the unique nature of the role. In many cases, we see Peer Supervision models as an attempt that does not truly align with the recovery coaching model?
More and more the population of persons seeking recovery from an addiction is getting younger and younger. Coaches who can speak the language of a younger generation can greatly impact their access to sustained long term recovery.
CART has developed the CCAR Recovery Coach Academy© for Young Adults to enhance the skills of those individuals who will be supporting young adults on their recovery journey. We believe this ground-breaking training program is one of the best available for anyone interested in recovery coaching young people. This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to guide and mentor others through their own recovery process and is open to everyone – people in recovery, family members, friends and allies. Much like the journey of recovery, this training offers a transformational experience.


Emergency Departments now recognize that Recovery Coaches can make a difference in this high paced setting by connecting those that are present in the ED to pathways of recovery that can be sustained in the long term.
Recovery Coaching continues to gain momentum throughout the country, and with good reason. Recovery Coaches can, and do, connect people to long term and sustained recovery. Because of this, more and more, coaches are being utilized in a variety of settings, including doctors’ offices, police stations, drug courts, treatment centers, and most notably Emergency Departments. The need for skilled coaches who can easily adapt and work in a fast-paced ED setting is growing exponentially. As providers of the CT ED Recovery Coaches program, we have learned a great deal about the different training needs of those who choose to serve in this unique role.
At Project WisHope, the majority of our staff, volunteers, and board members are all individuals in recovery, so we’ve been there and understand. The burden that addiction places on family members, friends and allies is a heavy one, but you are not alone. We can help you find recovery and maintain it in a variety of ways, whether this is through connecting you with our treatment partners in the community, being admitted to one of our programs, such as our peer recovery coaching, recovery support meetings and more.