

Charming young lady enjoying romantic date with her boyfriend

Addition by Subtraction: How Removing Yourself Can Spur a Loved One’s Recovery

Maintaining a relationship through recovery from alcohol and/or substance use disorder takes hard work, effective communication, and explicit boundaries. As important as it is to project positivity and optimism, when it comes to setting boundaries the very real prospect of walking away from a relationship turned toxic must be addressed in theory as well as practice. If […]

Addition by Subtraction: How Removing Yourself Can Spur a Loved One’s Recovery Read More »

Charming young lady enjoying romantic date with her boyfriend

Addition by Subtraction: How Removing Yourself Can Spur a Loved One’s Recovery

Maintaining a relationship through recovery from alcohol and/or substance use disorder takes hard work, effective communication, and explicit boundaries. As important as it is to project positivity and optimism, when it comes to setting boundaries the very real prospect of walking away from a relationship turned toxic must be addressed in theory as well as practice. If

Addition by Subtraction: How Removing Yourself Can Spur a Loved One’s Recovery Read More »